Welcome bro bros, to the future. Since the release of The Nifty Shop’s • Nifty Box, a subscription based NFT, loot create, for NFT Airdrops. Currently with 2 available subscription based options to choose from. King* being of the highest caliber for NFT Collectors. Costing $1,000+ for the year and, providing Low-Mint NFT Airdrops on a monthly basis. Star* is for the less serious but, still more serious than the average NFT Collector. Costing $350+ for the year and, also providing mid-to-high ranged NFT Airdrops on a monthly basis. Each subscription is it’s only NFT and, is transferable but, not burnable.
King is limited to 100 subscriptions, Star is limited to 250. Not if but, when they sell out, keep an eye on the AtomicHub market, for scalpers selling for a premium.
Due to the cost and scarcity, of these rare and exciting NFT subscriptions, I’ve decided to partner with Chibis Global and purchase 1 of each of the Nifty Box’s and creat a membership.
The KennBosakgif & Chibis Global Nifty Box memberships share an equal % of 1 Nifty Box subscription. King shares 1/20 or 5% for only $50 ea. Giving owners a chance at claiming NFT Airdrops received by the mint number #67 of the Nifty Box king subscription. Star shares 1/10 or 10% for only $35 ea. Giving owners a chance at claiming NFT Airdrops received by the mint number #71 of the Nifty Box star subscription. In addition, to provide additional value to owning a membership for a subscription, bonus NFT Airdrops will we done to members monthly. Including but, not limited to, Chibis Global and KennBosakgif NFTs, on a monthly basis. Since memberships are limited to only 30, I’d like to involve members in how the Airdrops are shared / rewarded to members. As well as, decide on potential bonus NFT Airdrops.
- Memberships: NFT MARKET
- Star: $35
- King: $50
Each membership for a subscription has a 15% commission fee. This means, if you buy a membership and want to sell it on the market, 15% of the sale will go to the creator, me. This is to incentivize hodling and disincentivize scalping. This will not affect purchasing the membership off market, only when reselling memberships on the market. P2P transactions can avoid the commission fee, for those who wish to resell P2P off market. To further motivate members to keep their memberships those who Do Not Sell* will receive a % of the $WAX earned from the 15% commission fees from market resellers. Only* original memberships purchased and Never* transferred will qualify for the extra bonus $WAX Airdrops.
Distribution information
Round Robin Method
When Nifty Box subscription Airdrops NFTs into the shared memberships “Loot Box” we will use the Round Robin Method to distribute the loot randomly and evenly to each member.
- Example for Airdrop process
When X NFT(s) drop, X members get 1 randomly. If there are 10 Star* members and only 5 NFT(s) drop, 5 unique members will each receive 1 NFT, via a spin. The 5 Star* members who did not receive an NFT will be the only members qualified for the next spin. Once everyone has received at least 1 NFT drop, everyone will be entered for the next spin. This goes for King* memberships as well.
Distribution will take place on the last Sunday of every month. Star Memberships will have their drops from the Star Subscription and like wise for the King’s. Guaranteeing every member receives at least 1 NFT a month and, as well guarantees the Kenn Bosak Collectables series will continue to grow at a rate to incentivize secondary market sales for low mint #s. Besides the re-drops from the Nifty Box Subscriptions & the guaranteed new Kenn Bosak Collectable NFT, each month, random NFTs will be added to the monthly pool of NFTs for qualified Memberships. These will not be guaranteed for each Memberships but, only for these who are currently in the a monthly round robin drop.
This will happen LIVE on YT, Monthly.
Here: 👈🏼